Sunday, April 18, 2010


It was awaited patiently. Hope showed on many young people's faces in town. The opening of the mega retail outlet had been expected to provide many job opportunities short of the Uhuru Economic stimulus. But that was never to be. The doors opened and ......fwallaa, workers were part of the stock !
Neither did the business people have anything to smile about in terms of retail space. Nakumat came along with their Nairobi big boys- the chemist, bookshop, phone shop, opticians, pit stop car service, shoe shop. All made and bred in Nairobi. Welcome to Kakamega.

1 comment:

  1. May be we shall not expect and rely on others to create jobs, we should create jobs! Nakumat thinks big and needs to plan, execute and control operations that is why they pre-book space and personnel - It is business not politics.
    Think bigger involve others, make sure the ones you involve have "skin" in whatever we do. Westerners like Chicken and eggs: Breed Chicken, sub-contract the growers, and sell the products to Nakumat then you will have something to say if they do not buy local
